1. Introduction

This document lists the different functionalities available in the MIMBUS CHEMISTRY simulator.

First, the non-sequence specific functionalities will be listed.

In a second step, we will detail each instruction associated with a sequence in the simulator, i.e. how to accomplish the task given by the system to move to the next step during the simulation.

2. General Operation

2.1. Controllers

The application is compatible with all OpenXR complient headsets. Depending on the virtual reality headset used, the controllers and hence the associated keys are different.

2.1.1. Windows Mixed Reality

vrcontroller wmr v1

2.1.2. Valve Index

vrcontroller knuckles

2.1.3. HTC Vive

vrcontroller vive

2.1.4. Oculus Rift

vrcontroller oculus

2.2. Authentification

mc lobby
Figure 1. Main screen in the lobby

When the application is launched, the user is in a corridor called the "welcome hall" where a screen displaying the main menu of the simulator is located.

The main menu allows the user to authenticate himself and to select the exercise to be performed. At the end of each exercise, the user will be teleported back to this screen.

mc screen breakdown
Figure 2. Main screen in the lobby

The main menu is organized as follows: :

  1. Class selection (online mode only): classes are configured on the VULCAN online platform.

  2. Visual progress indicator in the authentication and exercise choice pages:

    1. Authentication

    2. Choice of module

    3. Choice of level

    4. Choice of exercise

  3. Switch to offline mode: exercises are no longer retrieved from VULCAN and the results will not be sent back to VULCAN. A generic user named DEMO is used instead of a student connected to VULCAN.

  4. Displaying the settings screen: the settings screen allows you to change the language of the simulator.

  5. Quit the application

2.2.2. Class selection

First of all, it is necessary to choose the class in which the user who wants to launch an exercise is located.

This menu is only displayed when the simulator is connected to the VULCAN online platform.

A first click allows you to select the class, a second allows you to validate the choice made.

mc class choice
Figure 3. Class selection

2.2.3. User Selection

Once the class has been selected, the user must be authenticated. Clicking on the user’s name will bring up a window where the user’s PIN code, a four-digit number configured on VULCAN, must be entered. Users who are not assigned to a CHEMISTRY learning path will appear in grey. It will not be possible to connect with them on the simulator.

mc user choice
Figure 4. User selection
mc pin
Figure 5. Entering the PIN code

In offline mode, a demo user will be automatically selected.

2.3. Exercises selection

2.3.1. Module selection

Once the user is authenticated, the module selection menu is displayed.

mc module choice
Figure 6. Selection of the module

The available modules are "Tutorial", "Free laboratory visit", "Safety in the laboratory" and "Manipulations". A first click allows to select and see the description of the module while a second click allows to validate the choice.

The tutorial allows you to familiarize yourself with the controls using a simplified scenario.

2.3.2. Selection of the exercise

mc exercice choice
Figure 7. Exercise selection

On this page the exercises corresponding to the previously selected module are displayed. A first click on an exercise displays a description of the selected exercise, a second click allows to validate the choice.

2.3.3. Selection of the difficulty mode

mc difficulty choice
Figure 8. Difficulty selection

On this page the difficulty levels are displayed: Beginner, Advanced and Expert. Depending on the exercise, the difficulty changes the instructions and objectives. A double click on the difficulty level will start the exercise.

2.4. Tablet

A tablet appears on the user’s left hand controller, at wrist level. This will accompany the user throughout the exercise and allows him/her to guide him/her through the exercise thanks to its multiple functions:

mc tablet
Figure 9. Classic tablet
  1. Titre : Title of the exercise.

  2. Abort button : The user can abandon the exercise at any time by clicking on this button. In general, to complete and validate the exercise, the user will have to teleport and leave the laboratory.

  3. Instructions : Indicates the procedure to follow to move on to the next step. When the user starts a step, a voice reads the instruction.

The tablet can change its appearance dynamically in some exercises.

mc safety equipment tablet
Figure 10. Tablet with a help button and a validation button

In most exercises, clicking on the help button will illuminate the objects to be interacted with.

To press the buttons on the tablet, point in their direction with your right hand. A laser is activated when the right hand approaches the tablet. It allows you to interact with the buttons by clicking on the interaction button of the right hand controller.

2.5. Score screen

At the end of each exercise, the user is teleported back to the lobby to see a score screen showing the results of the exercise.

md scoreScreen
Figure 11. Score screen

The score screen is organised as follows:

  1. Validation or not of the exercise with the results displayed in percentage

  2. Evaluation criteria for the exercise. The evaluation criteria are specific to each exercise

  3. The events indicate all the actions validated by the user according to the time elapsed since the start of the exercise.

2.6. Tutorial

In order to familiarise the user with the available interactions, a tutorial scenario can be launched from the module selection menu.

The aim of the tutorial is to teach the user the commands of the virtual reality equipment and the different metaphors used in the application in a clear and progressive way. It will take place in a neutral and uncluttered environment so as not to distract the user from the various actions expected.

A panel allowing to know the association between the user’s joystick keys and the actions will always be visible during the experience.

md controllersPoster
Figure 12. Panel showing the different controller buttons

The tutorial is presented in the form of successive themed rooms, which the user will have to validate one after the other:

  • Moving around

  • Grabbing and moving an object

  • Interacting with an object

In each of the rooms, the user will learn an action (use of a button) in a dedicated space, and then will have to put this action into practice to leave the room and move on to the next. Once the three rooms are completed, the user will go through a final door to finish the tutorial.


2.6.1. Moving

Objective: to learn how to move around the virtual world and recognise markers that indicate a specific location.

The user will learn to move by teleportation. To leave this first workshop, the user will be asked to teleport back to the next room.

By pressing the "Teleportation" button (see controllers chapter), it is possible to initiate a teleportation. As long as the button is held down, you can choose where to teleport to. When you release the button, the teleportation will be performed.

A parabolic pointer coming out of the controller will then be visible, symbolising the path taken during a teleportation. If teleportation is possible, this pointer is violet; if not, it is red.

md teleportation01
Figure 13. Teleportation possible
md teleportation02
Figure 14. Teleportation impossible

2.6.2. Picking up / moving an object

Objective: To learn to pick up an object, release it and place it on a magnetised area. To recognise the associated visual feedback.

The user will be invited to bring their hand close to an object, visualise the associated visual feedback (blue outline), then pick up the object using the associated button and drop it onto a designated area on a second display.

Once this action is completed, the user will be prompted to exit the room by opening a door, giving them the opportunity to use the "Grab an item" interaction on the handle again.

md didacticiel grab
Figure 15. Tutorial: Grabbing and moving an object step

2.6.3. Action / using a tool

Objective: To learn how to interact with tools or buttons, recognise the associated visual feedback.

The user will be asked to interact with an object on a display (the object will be surrounded by a yellow outline indicating the possibility of activating it) and activate it using the associated button.

To exit the tutorial, the user will have to move to the back of the room and press the lift button using the "Interact" button. A fade to black will return the user to the lobby.

md didacticiel action
Figure 16. Tutorial: Object use step

2.7. Interactions in the laboratory

2.7.1. Equipping PPE

The PPE (= Personal Protective Equipment) must be equipped in most exercises before entering the laboratory, otherwise the score will be lowered.

Nitrile gloves, goggles and a lab coat must be fitted.

mc epi
Figure 17. Personal protective equipment
  1. Nitrile gloves : Press the interaction button on the controller. To remove them, press the button again in the same place.

  2. Goggles : Grasp them, bring them close to your face until you see the associated visual feedback (blue outline), then release them so that they settle on your face. To remove, bring your hand up to your face, grasp it and place it on the starting area.

  3. Lab coat : Press the interaction button on the controller. To remove it, press the button again in the same place.

2.7.2. Using the fume cupboard

Several operations will take place under a fume cupboard. To open a fume cupboard, the user must grab the glass of the fume cupboard and move it upwards from below, then let go of the glass so that it opens. It can be opened halfway or fully. If the fume cupboard is fully open, there are more safety risks. If the fume cupboard is left open too long, an audible alarm will sound. The user must close the fume cupboard to stop it.

Figure 18. Closed fume cupboard
Figure 19. Half-open fume cupboard
Figure 20. Opened fume cupboard

The user can also switch on the fume cupboard light by pressing the green button on the control panel.

mc fumehood light
Figure 21. Switching on the fume cupboard

2.7.3. Using the phone

During some exercises, the user will be in a dangerous situation and will have to use the telephone to call a colleague or the security station. To do this, the user must pick up the phone and with the other hand select the corresponding button with the laser and click on the interaction button.

mc phone
Figure 22. Using the phone

2.7.4. Product transfer

Spatula and syringe

The user can transfer powder with the spatulas and liquid with the syringes. The handling is the same in both cases. The user must bring the spatula/syringe close to the bottle (or ramekin) containing the product, until a coloured gauge appears. With the joystick gripping the spatula/syringe, the user pushes the joystick up to fill the spatula/syringe or down to empty it.

In the case of the syringe, the amount it contains is displayed on the interface.

Figure 23. Using a spatula
Figure 24. Using a syringe
Figure 25. The two types of spatulas
  1. Large spatula | Capacity : 100mg (0.1g)

  2. Small Spatula | Capacity: 10mg (0.01g)

Liquid transfer

The user can also transfer product (liquid) from one container to another in a second way. The user must grab the first container and tip it over until liquid flows out, and aim for the neck of the second container.

mc manipulation extraction filter
Figure 26. Liquid transfer by flow
As long as a second container is not targeted, the first container will not see its product quantity change.

2.7.5. Laboratory notebook

In several manipulative exercises, the user can find his laboratory notebook in the form of a touch-sensitive tablet. Depending on the exercise, different information will be presented, and from time to time the user will have to validate steps from this tablet.

mc manipulation evaporator lab notebook
Figure 27. Laboratory notebook in the form of a touch pad

3. Open laboratory visit

3.1. Open visit to the chemistry laboratory

The user faces a door leading to the chemistry laboratory. He/she will be able to move freely in this laboratory to visit it and identify various elements. To leave the exercise, he/she must leave the laboratory.

mc visit lab
Figure 28. Location of user intervention

3.1.1. Instructions

To complete the exercise, the user should follow the following instructions :

  1. Enter the chemistry laboratory

  2. Move freely in the chemistry laboratory. You can leave the laboratory to end the exercise.

3.1.2. Scenario sequence

In front of each piece of equipment there is a point of interest.

mc visit
Figure 29. Points of interest in front of the identified objects

Point in the direction of a point of interest with one hand. A laser is activated.

mc visit laser
Figure 30. Laser

The user must press the interaction button on the hand controller to display a pop-up window containing the name, description, and classification of the equipment.

mc safety equipment popup
Figure 31. Pop-up describing the equipment and displaying the safety pictograms

When the user considers that they have visited enough, they can leave the exercise by exiting the laboratory.

3.1.3. Criteria for evaluating the exercise

image Duration: Time taken by the user to complete the exercise.

4. Laboratory safety

4.1. Managing protective equipment in the laboratory

In this module the user is asked to identify the protective equipment in the chemical laboratory. Depending on the level of difficulty chosen, the objectives and aids differ.

mc safety equipment general
Figure 32. User location with several identified and/or classified equipment

4.1.1. Instructions

To validate the whole exercise, the user must follow the following instructions:

  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to begin the exercise.

  2. Approach each PPE-C in the laboratory. Interact with them to identify them.

  3. Click "Finish Identification" on your tablet or leave the lab to complete the exercise.

  1. Once you have equipped yourself with PPE, enter the laboratory to begin the exercise.

  2. Walk up to each PPE-C in the lab. Touch them to identify them. Then classify each piece of equipment according to the hazard to which it is attached.

  3. Click "Finish Identification" on your tablet or leave the lab to complete the exercise.

  1. Enter the laboratory to start the exercise.

  2. Walk up to each PPE-C in the laboratory. Interact with them to identify them.

  3. Click "Finish Identification" on your tablet or leave the lab to complete the exercise.

4.1.2. Scenario sequence

The user starts the scenario with the following briefing:

You are going to make your first visit to a chemistry laboratory. This laboratory has equipment to ensure your safety in case of danger. You must identify them. You will not be handling any chemicals in this scenario.

The user must equip their PPE, then enter the laboratory. He/she must identify all the equipment to ensure his/her safety. Point in the direction of the equipment with one hand. A laser is activated.

mc safety equipment laser
Figure 33. Laser

The user must press the interaction button on the hand controller to identify the equipment. A pop-up window appears describing the equipment: the equipment is identified.

mc safety equipment popup
Figure 34. Pop-up describing the equipment and displaying the safety pictograms

In advanced and expert difficulty, after selecting the equipment, the user must classify it according to the hazard to which it is attached. When starting this action is performed automatically.

mc safety equipment security icons
Figure 35. Equipment classification

After selecting your answers and validating, the results appear.

  1. Blue: Missing answer

  2. Green: Good answer

  3. Red: Wrong answer

mc safety equipment security icons 2
Figure 36. Classification results

After identifying an item and closing the pop-up (or identifying a new item), an icon appears in place of the pop-up.

Equipment identified but not classified : image

Equipment identified and classified : image

On his tablet, the user can see the number of equipment he still has to find. They can also click on the help button to make an unidentified equipment light up in yellow.

mc safety equipment tablet
Figure 37. Tablet with help and exercise validation buttons
mc safety equipment yellow outline
Figure 38. Unidentified equipment displayed with help

In Expert difficulty, the number of equipment items still to be identified and the help button are not displayed on the tablet.

4.1.3. List of hazard pictograms to be identified

image Biological hazard

image Corrosive substances

image Risk of cut

image Electrical hazard

image Explosive atmosphere

image Explosive materials, explosion hazard

image Falling from a height

image Flammable materials or high temperature

image General hazard

image Harmful or irritating materials

image Laser radiation

image Magnetic field

image Oxidising substances

image Tripping

image Toxic materials

4.1.4. List of equipment to be identified

mc safety equipment objects 1
Figure 39. Equipment 1 to 7
  1. Emergency stop button image image

  2. Fire extinguisher image image

  3. Alarm button imageimageimage

  4. Fire blanket image image

  5. Safety shower image image image

  6. Single cabinet image image image

  7. Ventilated cupboard image image image

mc safety equipment objects 2
Figure 40. Equipment 8 and 9
  1. First aid kit image image

  2. Telephone at the security post image image image image image image

mc safety equipment objects 3
Figure 41. Equipment 10 to 15
  1. Retention tank image image image image

  2. Toxic liquid recovery canister image image image

  3. Organic and mineral acid recovery canister image

  4. Fume cupboard image image image image image image

  5. Syringe bin image image image

  6. Mineral bases canister image

mc safety equipment objects 4
Figure 42. Equipment 16 to 18
  1. Broom + shovel image

  2. Extractors (suction arms) image image

  3. Eye washers image image image

4.1.5. Evaluation criteria for the exercise

image Protection: Validates the PPE equipment.

image Identification: Validates the number of equipment identified.

image Classification: Validates the correct classification of equipment. Only in advanced and expert.

image Autonomy: The score decreases according to the number of aids required. Only in beginner and advanced.

4.2. Risk and hazard management in the laboratory: Light cut

In this exercise, the user will accidentally break a beaker and will have to react accordingly to eliminate the danger safely. Depending on the level of difficulty chosen, the objectives and aids differ.

mc safety cut
Figure 43. Place of user intervention : Broken beaker with danger zone and cut hazard pictogram

4.2.1. Instructions

To complete the exercise, the user must follow the following instructions :

  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to start the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. Take a moment to observe your surroundings and retrieve the beaker from the weighing rack.

  3. Move to a safe area and exit the danger zone.

  4. Cut (Optional)

    1. Go immediately to treat your minor cut using the first aid kit.

    2. Use the telephone to call a colleague.

  5. With the help of your broom, go and clean up all the shards of glass.

  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to begin the exercise. To complete the exercise, leave the laboratory.

  2. Take a moment to observe your surroundings and retrieve the beaker from the weighing rack.

  3. Get out of the danger zone to safety.

  4. Classify the hazard you have been exposed to by selecting the appropriate pictogram(s).

  5. Cut (Optional)

    1. Go immediately to treat your minor cut.

    2. Call for help.

  6. Remove or reduce the danger generated.

  1. Enter the laboratory to start the exercise. To complete the exercise, leave the laboratory.

  2. Take a moment to observe your surroundings and retrieve the beaker from the draining rack for weighing.

  3. Remove the hazard safely and then exit the laboratory.


The user may virtually injure themselves in this exercise. If this is the case, the scenario is different. The changes are described in the next section.

4.2.2. Scenario flow

The user starts the scenario with the following briefing :

You have to prepare an aqueous solution in the beaker currently on the sink.

The user must equip his PPE (Equip PPE), then enter the laboratory. He will have to pick up the beaker placed on the edge of the drainer. As the hand approaches, the beaker automatically falls and breaks. A danger zone appears and the user must move to get out of it.

Depending on the level of difficulty, the user must classify the danger by selecting the pictogram corresponding to the level of the danger zone. Here there is a risk of cut image

If the user brings one of his hands close to the broken beaker, he will cut himself and his hand will start to bleed. At this point, he should use the first aid kit to treat himself and use the telephone to call a colleague (Use of the telephone).

Figure 44. Location of telephone, first aid kit and glass bin
Figure 45. Using the first aid kit to treat injuries

With the help of the broom, the user should clean up all the glass fragments. He should grab the broom with one hand and the shovel with the other and use them to slide all the pieces of glass into the shovel. Then he/she has to bring the shovel close to the bin to throw away the glass.

mc safety cut objects 1
Figure 46. Location of the broom and shovel

At this point, the user will be teleported to the reception area in front of the balance screen.

4.2.3. Evaluation criteria for the exercise

image Protection: Validates the PPE equipment.

image Reaction time: Validates the time taken by the user to resolve the dangerous situation.

image Autonomy: The score decreases with the number of helpers required. Only in advanced.

image Safety: Analyses the time spent in a dangerous situation. Only in Advanced and Expert.

image Classification: Validates the correct classification of the dangerous situation. Only in advanced and expert.

4.3. Risk and Hazard Management in the Laboratory: Chemical Inhalation

In this exercise, the user will have to act safely to take out tiophenol.

If he opens the tiophenol under a fume cupboard, he will have had the right reflex. Conversely, if he opens it outside a fume cupboard, he will inhale the chemical and will have to react accordingly to eliminate the danger safely. Depending on the level of difficulty chosen, the objectives and aids differ.

mc safety inhalation
Figure 47. The user should place the tiophenol, beaker and pipette under a fume cupboard

4.3.1. Instructions

To complete the exercise, the user should follow the following instructions:

  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to start the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. Take a 10 ml sample of the thiophenol provided.

  3. Opening of tiophenol outside a fume cupboard (Optional)

    1. Replace the cap on the vial and transport it under a fume cupboard.

    2. Use the telephone to call the security station.

  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to begin the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. Take a 10 ml sample of the thiophenol provided.

  3. Opening tiophenol outside a fume cupboard (Optional)

    1. Secure the vial.

    2. Classify the hazard you were exposed to by selecting the appropriate pictogram(s).

    3. Call for help.

  1. Enter the laboratory to start the exercise. To complete the exercise, leave the laboratory.

  2. Take a 10 ml sample of the thiophenol provided.

  3. Open tiophenol outside a fume cupboard (Optional)

    1. Remove the hazard safely and then exit the laboratory.


The user may make a mistake and open tiophenol outside a fume cupboard in this exercise. If this is the case, the scenario is different. The changes are described in the next section.

4.3.2. Scenario flow

The user starts the scenario with the following briefing:

Pipette 10 ml of thiophenol into a beaker.

The user must equip his PPE, then enter the laboratory.

In order to carry out the procedure correctly, the user must transport the tiophenol under a fume cupboard, together with the beaker and the pipette. At this point, the exercise is automatically validated.

However, if he opens it outside a fume cupboard, he will inhale chemical and put himself in danger.

mc safety inhalation wrong
Figure 48. Tiophenol has been opened outside the fume cupboard

The user must put the cap back on the bottle and transport it under a fume cupboard.

Depending on the level of difficulty, the user must classify the hazard by selecting the pictogram corresponding to the level of the hazard zone. Here, there is a risk of toxicity image

Then, he/she must use the telephone to call the safety post.

Once the steps have been completed, the user will be teleported to the reception area in front of the assessment screen.

4.3.3. Evaluation criteria for the exercise

image Protection: Validates the PPE equipment.

image Reaction time: Validates the time taken by the user to resolve the dangerous situation.

image Autonomy: The score decreases with the number of helpers required. Only in advanced.

image Safety: Analyses the time spent in a dangerous situation. Only in Advanced and Expert.

image Classification: Validates the correct classification of the dangerous situation. Only in advanced and expert.

image Duration: Time taken by the user to finish the exercise.

4.4. Risk and Hazard Management in the Laboratory: Projection

In this exercise, the user will try to perform a liquid/liquid extraction and accidentally spill some chemical into the fume cupboard and onto himself. He will have to react accordingly to eliminate the hazard safely. Depending on the level of difficulty chosen, the objectives and aids differ.

mc safety projections
Figure 49. Place of user intervention : The decanter is on its stand in the fume cupboard

4.4.1. Instructions

To complete the exercise, the user must follow the following instructions:

  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to start the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. Open the fume cupboard halfway.

  3. Stir the solution.

*Accident: the ampoule opens and liquid spills into the fume cupboard. *

  1. Place the separating funnel back on its support.

  2. Two possible outcomes :

    1. Normal case : The fume cupboard was half open and the ampoule was shaken inside

      1. Discard your gloves and wash your hands for 10 minutes using the sink.

      2. Use the telephone to call the safety post.

      3. Put on clean gloves.

    2. Special case : The fume cupboard was completely open or the bulb was shaken out

      1. Remove your glasses and wash your eyes for 10 minutes with the eyewash.

      2. Use the telephone to call the safety post.

      3. Pick up the soiled gown and place it in the gown bin and put on a clean gown.

  3. Use a paper towel to clean the bench.

  4. Dispose of the paper towel in the waste bin.

  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to begin the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. Open the fume cupboard.

  3. Stir the solution.

Accident: the ampoule opens and liquid spills into the fume cupboard.

  1. Replace the separating funnel.

  2. Wash off spillage with appropriate CPE.

  3. Call for help.

  4. Call for help.

  5. Remove or reduce the hazard.

  6. Dispose of the paper towel in the waste bin.

  1. Enter the laboratory to start the exercise. To complete the exercise, leave the laboratory.

  2. Stir the solution.

*Accident: the ampoule opens and liquid spills into the fume cupboard. *

  1. Remove the hazard safely and then leave the laboratory.

4.4.2. Scenario sequence

The user starts the scenario with the following briefing :

You are performing a liquid/liquid extraction (organic solvent dichloromethane). Go to your workstation to continue the manipulation.

The user must equip his PPE (Equip PPE), then enter the laboratory. He will have to approach the fume cupboard, open it halfway (Use fume cupboard) and shake a decanter. The ampoule opens and liquid spills into the fume cupboard. A danger zone appears, the user must replace the ampoule on its support and move away from the danger.

Depending on the level of difficulty, the user must classify the hazard by selecting the pictogram corresponding to the level of the hazard zone. Here, there is a risk of harmful or irritating substances image

If the fume cupboard was half open and the bulb was shaken inside, the user has splashed on his gloves. He has to throw them away, so he has to go to the waste bin and click on the "waste bin" icon. Then he has to go to a sink and turn on the tap. He will wash his hands for 10 minutes.

mc safety projections throw gloves
Figure 50. Disposing of stained gloves in the waste bin
mc safety projections wash hands
Figure 51. Using the sink with the timer

If the fume cupboard was fully open or the bulb was shaken out of the fume cupboard, the user’s eyes will be splashed and his vision will turn blue.

mc safety projections wash eyes
Figure 52. Eye wash in operation

The user must approach the eye wash and activate it by pressing the button on the right. Then he should remove his glasses and wash his eyes for 10 minutes by moving his head towards the eyewash station.

He must collect the soiled coat and put it in the bin provided for this purpose.

mc safety projections coat on floor
Figure 53. Soiled coat on floor
mc safety projections new coat
Figure 54. Clean coat to be put on, next to the dirty coat bin

The user must then use the telephone to call the safety post.

The user must put on new PPE if it has been soiled. This PPE is located in the laboratory.

The user should take a paper towel to completely clean up the spills on the bench (all stains should be wiped up), and then dispose of the paper towel in the waste bin.

mc safety projections rag
Figure 55. Paper towel
mc safety projections clean projections
Figure 56. Bench top cleaning
mc safety projections throw rag
Figure 57. Throw rag into waste bin

Once the steps have been completed, the user will be teleported to the reception area in front of the assessment screen.

4.4.3. Evaluation criteria for the exercise

image Protection: Validates the PPE equipment.

image Reaction time: Validates the time taken by the user to resolve the dangerous situation.

image Autonomy: The score decreases with the number of helpers required. Only in advanced.

image Safety: Analyses the time spent in a dangerous situation. Only in Advanced and Expert.

image Classification: Validates the correct classification of the dangerous situation. Only in advanced and expert.

5. Manipulations

The exercises in this module allow several manipulations necessary for the synthesis of tartrazine to be carried out.

5.1. Weighing

In this exercise, the user will perform two weighings of different acids with an analytical balance. Depending on the level of difficulty chosen, the objectives and aids differ.

mc manipulation weighing
Figure 58. Location of the user’s intervention: the balances can be seen as well as the laboratory notebook

5.1.1. Instructions

To complete the exercise, the user must follow the following instructions:

  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to start the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. You must weigh 188 mg of 4-hydrazino benzenesulfonic acid, with a tolerance of 5%. To begin, switch on the analytical balance by pressing the first button.

  3. Open the analytical balance lock by pulling the door.

  4. Take a clean, empty container suitable for the chemical and place it on the balance pan.

  5. Close the analytical balance lock. Press the second button to tare.

  6. Open the airlock and remove the container.

  7. Using a clean spatula, transfer 188 mg of 4-hydrazino benzenesulphonic acid into the container. Weigh the filled container after closing the air lock of the balance for optimum accuracy. If you are satisfied, record the measurement in your laboratory notebook by clicking on the third button.

  8. You should weigh 218 mg of 2,2,3,3-tetrahydroxysuccinic acid, with a tolerance of 5%. Take a clean, empty, suitable container and tare as before.

  9. Using a clean spatula, transfer 218 mg of 2,2,3,3-tetrahydroxysuccinic acid into the container. Weigh the filled container after closing the airlock of the balance for optimum accuracy. If you are satisfied, record the measurement in your laboratory notebook by clicking on the 3rd button.

  10. Write the names of the weighed products on the containers with the pencil. Place the containers in the fume cupboard.

  11. Store the chemicals in the bin. Remember to close the caps on the bottles.

  12. Take the soiled equipment and put it in the bin for dirty dishes on the right.

  13. Turn off the scales. Leave the laboratory to complete the exercise.

  1. Once you have donned the Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to begin the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. You must weigh 188 mg of 4-hydrazino benzenesulfonic acid, with a tolerance of 5%. Tare an empty container.

  3. Transfer 188 mg of 4-hydrazino-benzenesulphonic acid to the container, weigh it and record the measurement in your laboratory notebook.

  4. You must weigh 218mg of 2,2,3,3-tetrahydroxysuccinic acid, with a tolerance of 5%. Tare an empty container.

  5. Transfer 218mg of 2,2,3,3-tetrahydroxysuccinic acid to the container, weigh it and record the measurement in your laboratory notebook.

  6. Place the weighed products in the fume cupboard. Put your work surface away and leave the laboratory as soon as you have finished.

  1. Enter the laboratory to begin the exercise.

  2. Make two weighings to obtain 188 mg of 4-hydrazino benzenesulfonic acid and 218 mg of 2,2,3,3-tetrahydroxysuccinic acid. Place the weighed products in the fume cupboard. Leave the laboratory when you have finished to complete the exercise.

5.1.2. Scenario sequence

The user starts the scenario with the following briefing :

You are going to synthesise tartrazine. You will have to perform 2 weighings to recover 188 mg of 4-hydrazino benzenesulphonic acid and 218 mg of 2,2,3,3-tetrahydroxysuccinic acid.

The user must equip his PPE (Equipping PPE), then enter the laboratory. He will approach the balances and switch on the analytical balance. Then, he will open the analytical balance lock by pulling the door and place an empty and clean ramekin in it. He will close the door and perform the tare.

mc manipulation weighing scales
Figure 59. Simple scale and analytical scale
  1. Simple balance: Do not use: it is not precise enough for this manipulation

  2. Analytical balance: To be used for this exercise

Figure 60. Control panel
Figure 61. Door
  1. Display of the weight measured by the balance, in grams (1g = 1000mg)

  2. Button to turn on/off the scale

  3. Button to tare the balance

  4. Button to send the weighed result to the laboratory notebook

  5. The door opens/closes the airlock of the analytical balance, thus avoiding air flows that may disturb the weighing result.

Next, the user must transfer 188 mg of 4-hydrazino benzenesulphonic acid into the ramekin that he has just tared. When opening the bottle, care should be taken to place the cap the right way round on the work surface.

Figure 62. Bottles containing the products to be weighed
Figure 63. Corks placed in the wrong and right direction
  1. Wrong way: An error will occur

  2. Right way

He must use the spatulas to transfer the product (Spatula and syringe).

He must not put a sampled product back into its original container. If too much product has been taken, the powder must be put into the waste beaker.

mc manipulation weighing bin
Figure 64. Waste beaker

The user must transfer product into the ramekin outside the balance, otherwise powder may fall onto the balance pan, which will distort the weight. At this point, he should take the brush to clean it.

mc manipulation weighing clean powder
Figure 65. Bringing the brush close to the powder to clean it

When the user is sure of the quantity of product weighed, he will validate by pressing the 3rd button (which will write his result in his laboratory notebook), then put the container aside.

mc manipulation weighing lab notebook
Figure 66. Completed laboratory notebook

In advanced difficulty, to validate his weighing, the user must look at the instructions on his left hand and click on the button "I have finished, go to the next weighing".

mc manipulation weighing advanced tablet

If he forgot to press the 3rd button on the scale, he will lose points on his score, as his laboratory book will not be filled.

The user will perform the same manipulation to weigh 218mg of 2,2,3,3-tetrahydroxysuccinic acid with a second clean ramekin.


The spatulas and ramekins used in the first weighing are contaminated with the first acid. The user must not use them with the second acid, as this could lead to a fatal error.

When the user has validated the two weighings, he must use the pencil to identify the weighed products by writing on the sticker of the ramekins. The user must place both ramekins in the fume cupboard, in preparation for the next exercise (Using the fume cupboard).

Figure 67. Using the pencil
Figure 68. Ramekins in the fume cupboard

He should then tidy up his work area. The product bottles should be closed and put away, the soiled material should be put in the dirty dishes bin on the right, and the scales should be switched off.

mc manipulation weighing tidy up
Figure 69. Tidy workspace

To complete the exercise, the user must exit the laboratory and will be teleported to the reception area in front of the balance screen.

5.1.3. Evaluation criteria for the exercise

image Duration: Time taken by the user to finish the exercise.

image Protection: Validates the PPE equipment.

image Analysis: Validates the result of the experiment.

image Procedure: Validates the correct sequence of actions.

image Autonomy: The score decreases with the number of helpers required. Only in advanced.

5.2. Reflux heating

In this exercise, the user will mix and heat different products in a tricol in order to merge them using a reflux heater with a magnetic stirrer. Depending on the level of difficulty chosen, the objectives and aids differ.

mc manipulation reflux heating
Figure 70. User intervention area: all the equipment is under the fume cupboard

5.2.1. Instructions

To complete the exercise, the user must follow the following instructions:

Beginner and Advanced
  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to begin the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. Stand in front of the fume cupboard and open it halfway.

  3. Position the laboratory lift on the work surface.

  4. Place the magnetic stirrer on the laboratory lift.

  5. Position the Heat-On on the stirrer.

  6. Position the probe correctly on the Heat-On.

  7. Place the appropriate olive in the tricol balloon.

  8. Attach the tricol to the wire mesh.

  9. Place the funnel over the left-hand hole of the tricol.

  10. Transfer all the powders weighed in the previous exercise into the tricol using spatulas and the funnel.

  11. Remove the funnel.

  12. Transfer 0.56 ml of H2SO4 into the tricol using the glass syringe. Dispose of the syringe in the syringe bin on the right. Close the bottle.

  13. Place the cap of the tricol on the left-hand hole of the tricol.

  14. Adjust the height of the stirrer.

  15. Position the reflux column over the centre hole of the tricol.

  16. Position the guard on the reflux column.

  17. Position the thermometer on the right-hand port of the tricol.

  18. Set the expected temperature on the blue probe to 65 °C.

  19. Set the stirrer to 350-500 rpm.

  20. Set the heating temperature on the shaker to 60 °C.

  21. Record the temperature of the solution in the laboratory notebook by clicking on the icon next to the thermometer.

2h waiting time

  1. Remove the stopper from the tricol.

  2. Place the funnel over the left-hand opening of the tricol.

  3. Transfer 60 mg of soda to the tricol with a spatula.

  4. Remove the funnel.

  5. Place the cap of the tricol on the left-hand opening of the tricol.

  6. Enter the reaction time by clicking on the button in the laboratory notebook.

_1.5 hours waiting time _

  1. Lower the stirrer.

  2. Turn the knobs to stop the heating and stirring. Remove the thermometer.

  3. Put all empty glassware and used utensils in the bin on the left and leave the laboratory to complete the exercise.

  1. Enter the laboratory to begin the exercise.

  2. Stand in front of the fume cupboard and open it halfway.

  3. Position the laboratory lift, magnetic stirrer and heat-on.

  4. Attach the tricol to the wire mesh.

  5. Transfer 0.56 ml of H2SO4 and all the powders weighed in the previous exercise to the tricol.

  6. Set up the reflux column, the guard and the thermometer.

  7. Set the expected temperature on the blue probe to 65 °C.

  8. Set the stirrer to 350 to 500 rpm.

  9. Set the heating temperature on the stirrer to 60 °C.

  10. If you are satisfied with your set-up, confirm on the tablet on your arm to wait 2 hours.

2h waiting time

  1. Transfer 60 mg of soda to the tricol. Then, validate on the tablet on your arm to wait 1h30.

1h30 waiting time

  1. Put away your work surface and leave the laboratory to complete the exercise.

5.2.2. Scenario flow

The user starts the scenario with the following briefing :

Using the reflux heater with magnetic stirrer, you will mix and heat different products in order to merge them to synthesise tartrazine.

The user must equip his PPE (Equipping PPE), then enter the laboratory. He will have to approach the fume cupboard, open it halfway (Using the fume cupboard) and position the laboratory lift, magnetic stirrer and heat-on on the work surface. He must position the probe correctly on the Heat-On, put the appropriate olive in the tricol balloon and fix the latter to the wire mesh. Then place the funnel on the left-hand hole of the tricol.

Figure 71. The correct olive is the round one, which is illuminated
Figure 72. The installation before transferring the powders

He must transfer all the powders weighed in the previous exercise into the tricol using spatulas: 188 mg of 4-hydrazino benzenesulphonic acid and 218 mg of 2,2,3,3-tetrahydroxysuccinic acid (Spatula and syringe).

mc manipulation reflux heating products
Figure 73. Products to be transferred
  1. Ramequin containing 218mg of 4-hydrazino benzenesulphonic acid

  2. Ramequin containing 188mg of 2,2,3,3-tetrahydroxysuccinic acid

  3. Ramequin containing 60mg of soda

  4. Bottle containing H2SO4

Next, remove the funnel and transfer 0.56 ml of H2SO4 using the glass syringe into the tricol (Spatula and syringe). When this is done, he must throw the syringe into the syringe bin on the right and remember to close the bottle. He must place the cap of the tricol on the left hole of the tricol.


If the user transfers too much H2S04 into the tricol, he/she risks a fatal error.

mc manipulation reflux heating syringe bin
Figure 74. Syringe bin

The user must interact with the laboratory lift to adjust the height of the stirrer until the heat-on touches the tricol.

The user will continue with the set-up: the reflux column should be positioned on the centre hole of the tricol, the guard on the reflux column and the thermometer on the right hole of the tricol.

mc manipulation reflux heating setup 2
Figure 75. The setup before setting up the assembly

The user will set the parameters of the set-up: he will adjust the control temperature on the blue probe to 65°C by clicking on the arrows. The longer he presses the arrows, the higher the speed.

mc manipulation reflux heating control probe
Figure 76. Using the arrows to set the temperature on the probe

The magnetic stirrer should be set to a speed of 350-500 rpm and a heating temperature of 60 °C. To do this, press the interaction button near the knobs and rotate the wrist to change the values.

mc manipulation reflux heating knobs
Figure 77. Using the knobs to adjust temperature and stirring

Next, the student should record the temperature of the solution in the laboratory notebook by clicking on the icon next to the thermometer. A fade to black and a timer appear to simulate the user waiting 2 hours.

mc manipulation reflux heating thermometer button
Figure 78. Pressing the thermometer icon

At the end of the timer, the user can observe steam forming on the walls of the tricol if the instructions have been followed correctly.

mc manipulation reflux heating steam
Figure 79. Mist on the walls of the tricol

The experiment continues: the user swaps the cap of the tricol with the funnel and then transfers 60 mg of soda (= the whole of the last ramekin) into the tricol using a spatula. When this is done, he puts the cap back on the funnel.

The user enters the reaction time by clicking on the button in the laboratory book. A new fade to black appears to simulate the 90 minute waiting time. The user can see that the solution has changed colour if they have followed the instructions.

Figure 80. Completed laboratory notebook
Figure 81. Solution has changed colour

Before leaving the laboratory to complete the exercise, the user should tidy up the work surface. The laboratory lift should be lowered, the stirrer wheels turned to stop the heating and stirring, the thermometer removed and all empty glassware and used utensils put away in the bin on the left.

mc manipulation reflux heating tidy up
Figure 82. Empty glassware and used utensils stored in the dirty dish tray

Once in the corridor, the user will be teleported to the reception area in front of the status screen.

5.2.3. Criteria for evaluating the exercise

image Duration: Time taken by the user to finish the exercise.

image Protection: Validates the PPE equipment.

image Analysis: Validates the result of the experiment.

image Procedure: Validates the correct sequence of actions.

image Autonomy: The score decreases with the number of helpers required. Only in advanced.

5.3. Liquid/liquid extraction

In this exercise, the user will carry out an extraction-division of the solution recovered in the previous exercise to obtain one of its components, using a separating funnel. He will also carry out a filtration with a filter paper. Depending on the level of difficulty chosen, the objectives and aids differ.

mc manipulation extraction
Figure 83. Before recovering the dichloromethane phase from the funnel

5.3.1. Instructions

To complete the exercise, the user must follow the following instructions :

Beginner and advanced
  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to begin the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. Stand in front of the fume cupboard and open it halfway.

  3. Place the glass funnel over the separating funnel. Pour the dye into the funnel. Check that the tap is closed.

  4. Transfer the dichloromethane from a graduated tube into the funnel.

  5. Remove the glass funnel from the ampoule.

  6. Place the stopper on the ampoule.

  7. Take the ampoule and shake it upside down. Make sure the tap is closed during this process.

  8. Degas the ampoule by opening and closing the tap once.

_Repeat the procedure 3 times, until no more gas is released. _

  1. Put the ampoule back on its stand and remove the stopper.

  2. Collect the dichloromethane phase from the ampoule in the Erlenmeyer flask by opening the tap. Close the tap when you have finished.

The extraction is repeated twice automatically. The quantities have been adjusted.

  1. Place an empty Erlenmeyer flask under the ampoule. Collect the aqueous phase from the ampoule into the Erlenmeyer flask.

  2. Place the plastic funnel over the Erlenmeyer flask containing the dichloromethane phase.

  3. Transfer a spoonful of magnesium sulphate into the Erlenmeyer flask.

  4. Remove the plastic funnel from the Erlenmeyer flask.

  5. Take the Erlenmeyer flask and shake it gently in a circular motion.

  6. Remove the stopper from the flask and place the funnel with the filter paper on it.

  7. Use the wash bottle containing dichloromethane to rinse the filter paper.

  8. Filter the contents of the Erlenmeyer flask into the flask.

  9. Remove the funnel and seal the flask with a stopper.

  10. Put all the empty glassware and used utensils in the bin and leave the laboratory to complete the exercise.

  1. Enter the laboratory to begin the exercise.

  2. Stand in front of the fume cupboard and open it halfway.

  3. Transfer the dye from the Erlenmeyer flask and the dichloromethane from a measuring tube into the separating funnel.

  4. Degas the separating funnel.

  5. Recover the dichloromethane phase from the funnel into the Erlenmeyer flask by opening the tap. Close the tap when you have finished.

The extraction is repeated twice automatically. The quantities have been adjusted.

  1. Transfer a spoonful of magnesium sulphate into the Erlenmeyer flask.

  2. Take the Erlenmeyer flask and shake it gently in a circular motion.

  3. Filter the contents of the Erlenmeyer flask into the flask.

  4. Put your work surface away and leave the laboratory to complete the exercise.

5.3.2. Scenario flow

The user starts the scenario with the following briefing :

You will perform an extraction-division of the recovered solution to obtain one of its components (organic solvent dichloromethane). The extraction will be done with a non-miscible solution.

The user must equip his PPE (Equipping PPE), then enter the laboratory. He will have to approach the fume cupboard, open it halfway (Using the fume cupboard) and position the glass funnel on the separating funnel.

The user must check that the tap is closed, otherwise he will lose product and therefore points.

The user must use the interaction button on the tap and turn the wrist clockwise/anticlockwise to open/close the tap. An icon appears when the tap is entered.

Figure 84. Open tap
Figure 85. Tap closed
Figure 86. Tap half open

He must transfer the dye from an Erlenmeyer flask into the ampoule, and then do the same for the dichloromethane from a graduated tube (Liquid transfer).

Figure 87. Transfer of the dye (yellow-orange colour)
Figure 88. Transfer of dichloromethane (grey colour)

He should replace the funnel with the stopper of the ampoule. He then has to pick it up and shake it upside down for a few seconds. Still upside down, he must open and close the tap to degas the ampoule (a gas noise can be heard at this point).

Figure 89. Shaking the separating funnel
Figure 90. Opening the tap to degas the bulb
The user must take care to ensure that the ampoule cap is in the correct position and that the tap is closed when shaking, otherwise product (and points) may be lost.

He must repeat the operation about 3 times until there is no more gas in the ampoule. To make it easier to understand, you can see that there is no more gas noise when you open the tap, and the products inside the ampoule have changed colour.

mc manipulation extraction shake finished
Figure 91. The products have mixed and changed colour

The user has to put the ampoule back on its stand and remove its cap. He must collect the dichloromethane phase from the ampoule in the Erlenmeyer flask by opening the tap. The liquid flows out more or less quickly depending on how far the tap is opened. Care must be taken to ensure that only the required phase is recovered, so it is better to go slowly for greater accuracy. The user must close the tap and release it to validate this step.

mc manipulation extraction separation
Figure 92. Recovery of the dichloromethane phase (bright yellow colour)

A fade to black and a timer appear to simulate the fact that the extraction is repeated twice automatically, with the other two graduated tubes containing dichloromethane.

At the end of the timer, the quantities were adjusted. All the dichloromethane phase (yellow colour) is in the Erlenmeyer flask and the aqueous phase (white colour) remains in the separating funnel

mc manipulation extraction separation finished
Figure 93. After the 3 extractions

The user must recover the aqueous phase from the funnel into the second Erlenmeyer flask (which is empty). The ampoule must be completely empty.

mc manipulation extraction aqueus
Figure 94. Recovery of the aqueous phase

Place the plastic funnel on the first Erlenmeyer flask (containing the dichloromethane phase) and transfer a spoonful of magnesium sulphate (Spatula and syringe).

mc manipulation extraction magnesium sulfate
Figure 95. Adding a spoonful of magnesium

The plastic funnel should be removed from the Erlenmeyer flask and then picked up and shaken gently in a circular motion to mix the magnesium sulphate thoroughly.

mc manipulation extraction shake erlenmeyer
Figure 96. Shake the Erlenmeyer gently to mix well

On the right is a closed flask. The user should open the flask and place the funnel with the filter paper on it. He must use the wash bottle containing dichloromethane to rinse the filter paper. To do this, the user must grab the wash bottle and press the interaction button to spray a jet of dichloromethane, and aim it at the filter paper.

mc manipulation extraction rince filter
Figure 97. Using the pipette to rinse the filter paper

The user must filter the contents of the first Erlenmeyer flask into the flask. In the flask will be the filtrate, and the residue will be in the filter paper.

mc manipulation extraction filter
Figure 98. Filtration of the solution

The user should remove the funnel and seal the flask with a stopper, then store all the empty glassware (including the separating funnel and its stopper) and used utensils in the dirty dish tray on the left-hand side of the fume cupboard.

mc manipulation extraction tidy up
Figure 99. The work area is tidy up

When he has finished, he must go into the corridor. The user will find himself teleported to the reception area in front of the balance screen.

5.3.3. Criteria for evaluating the exercise

image Duration: Time taken by the user to finish the exercise.

image Protection: Validates the PPE equipment.

image Analysis: Validates the result of the experiment.

image Procedure: Validates the correct sequence of actions.

image Autonomy: The score decreases with the number of helpers required. Only in advanced.

5.4. Rotary Evaporation

In this exercise, the user will use a rotary evaporator to rapidly remove a volatile solvent by evaporation. Depending on the level of difficulty chosen, the objectives and aids differ.

mc manipulation evaporator
Figure 100. The rotary evaporator

5.4.1. Instructions

To complete the exercise, the user should follow the following instructions:

Beginner and Advanced
  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to begin the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. Turn on the rotary evaporator: first turn on the cooling bath.

  3. Then switch on the pump and the thermostatic bath.

  4. Set the heating temperature to 40 °C. To do this, click on the temperature button and turn the knob.

  5. Set the initial pressure by turning the knob to set the vacuum to 900 mb.

  6. Hang the backflow preventer on the motor and use a clip to hold it.

  7. Open the balloon. Then bring it close to the guard. At the same time, with the other hand, use a clip to hold it.

  8. While keeping your right hand under the ball, set the rotation to 200 rpm. To do this, click on the rotation button and turn the knob.

  9. Turn on the pumping system by pressing the start button and close the valve to put the assembly under reduced pressure. Remove your hand from under the balloon.

  10. Lower the flask into the thermostatic bath by pressing the arrows.

  11. Gradually lower the pressure by turning the knob to set the vacuum to 500 mb.

  12. If your installation seems correct, confirm on your laboratory notebook to pass the time.

Wait a few minutes for the solvent to evaporate

  1. Stop the pumping system by pressing the start button.

  2. Open the valve very gently to break the vacuum.

  3. Reassemble the thermostatic bath tank. Stop the rotation.

  4. Remove the clip connecting the flask to the guard. Retrieve the balloon.

  5. Place the flask on the valve and close it.

  6. Switch off the rotary evaporator: to do this, switch off the cooling bath, the pump and the thermostatic bath.

  7. Leave the laboratory to complete the exercise.

  1. Enter the laboratory to start the exercise.

  2. Prepare the rotary evaporator according to the data written in your laboratory notebook. If your set-up seems to be correct, confirm it in your notebook to pass the time.

Wait a few minutes for the solvent to evaporate

  1. Place the flask on the jack. Tidy up your work area and leave the laboratory to finish the exercise.

5.4.2. Scenario flow

The user starts the scenario with the following briefing :

You are going to use a rotary evaporator to rapidly remove a volatile solvent by evaporation. Go to your workstation to continue the manipulation.

The user must equip their PPE (Equipping PPE), then enter the laboratory and approach the rotary evaporator. The user should switch on the cooling bath, then the pump and the thermostat bath by pressing the buttons.

Figure 101. Refrigerated bath button
  1. Left: Pump button. Right: thermostat bath button image::MimbusChemistry/mc-manipulation-evaporator-button-2.jpg[250,250]

The user must then set the heating temperature to 40 °C. On the display, the user can see a flashing text depending on the selected parameter (temperature or speed). By default, the temperature is selected. If he wants to select the other parameter, he has to click on the corresponding button to change. When the right parameter is active, he/she has to press the interaction button near the knobs and rotate the wrist to change the values.

mc manipulation evaporator screen
Figure 102. Thermostatic bath control panel
  1. Arrows for raising/lowering the balloon in the thermostatic bath

  2. Text indicating the current rotation, in revolutions per minute (rpm)

  3. Text indicating the current temperature, in degrees Celsius (°C)

  4. Buttons for selecting temperature (top button) or rotation (bottom button) as a parameter

  5. Knob to adjust the selected parameter

The user must update the initial pressure by turning the knob to set the vacuum to 900 mb. The value changes from 100 to 100.

mc manipulation evaporator screen 2
Figure 103. Pump control panel
  1. Knob to set the pressure (from 100 to 100)

  2. Button to turn on/off the pumping system (ON/OFF indicator shows its status)

  3. Text indicating the current pressure, in millibar (mb)

He will hook the backstop onto the motor. Then he takes a clip and drops it on the guard so that it attaches and holds it in place.

mc manipulation evaporator adaptator
Figure 104. Fitting the guard and its clip

The user opens the ball. With his left hand he must grab an unused clip, with his right hand the ball and bring it to the guard. The flask will automatically approach the guard when the user is close to it. While holding down the button that allows the user to grasp objects with their right hand, the user must release the clip between the balloon and the guard to hold the balloon in place.

mc manipulation evaporator flask attached
Figure 105. Placing the ball and its clip

While keeping the right hand under the ball, the rotation must be set to 200 rpm with the left hand. This is done by clicking on the rotation button and turning the knob (similar to the step where the user had to set the temperature).

As long as the user has not set the rotation, he/she must keep one hand under the ball. If the balloon is not held by the hand for more than 9 seconds, it will fall into the tank and trigger a fatal error.
mc manipulation evaporator keep hand
Figure 106. The user’s right hand stays under the ball, the left hand controls the rotation

The user will switch on the pumping system by pressing the start button on the pump control panel, then close the valve (by pressing the interaction button) to put the set-up under reduced pressure.

mc manipulation evaporator valve opened
Figure 107. The valve is open: the user is closing it

The flask must be lowered into the thermostat bath by pressing the arrows on the thermostat bath control panel.

There are 3 different height settings: High, middle, low. The correct setting is middle.

The user will progressively lower the pressure by turning the knob to set the vacuum to 500 mb, then validate on the laboratory notebook to pass the time.

Figure 108. Correct setting
Figure 109. Laboratory notebook

A fade to black and a timer appear to simulate the user waiting for 2 minutes for the solvent to evaporate into a receptacle flask. If the user has followed the instructions correctly, the inside of the flask is filled with powder.

Now it is time to put everything away. The pumping system must be stopped by pressing the start button on the pump control panel and the valve closed to break the vacuum. The thermostatic bath tank should be reassembled and the rotation stopped. The user must remove the clip connecting the flask to the guard, recover the flask, place it on the valet and close it with its cap.

mc manipulation evaporator flask powder
Figure 110. Balloon closed on the valet, filled with powder after the experiment

To complete the exercise, turn off the cooling bath, the pump and the thermostatic bath and leave the laboratory.

mc manipulation evaporator tidy up
Figure 111. The experiment is over and the work area is tidied up

Once in the corridor, the user will be teleported to the reception area in front of the balance screen.

5.4.3. Criteria for evaluating the exercise

image Duration: Time taken by the user to finish the exercise.

image Protection: Validates the PPE equipment.

image Analysis: Validates the result of the experiment.

image Procedure: Validates the correct sequence of actions.

image Autonomy: The score decreases with the number of helpers required. Only in advanced.

5.5. Thin layer chromatography

In this exercise, the user will carry out a thin layer chromatography of a reaction mixture containing tartrazine in order to check its purity. Depending on the level of difficulty chosen, the objectives and aids differ.

mc manipulation chromatography
Figure 112. Location of user intervention

5.5.1. Instructions

To validate the whole exercise, the user must follow the following instructions:

Beginner and Advanced
  1. Once you have equipped yourself with Personal Protective Equipment, enter the laboratory to begin the exercise. To complete the exercise, exit the laboratory.

  2. Stand in front of the fume cupboard and open it halfway.

  3. Place the eluent (cyclohexane/ethyl acetate 50:50) to a height of about 0.5 cm in the chromatography vessel and close it. The eluent vapours will then saturate the cell.

  4. Prepare the plate by drawing a starting line with a pencil, indicating the positions of the deposits you are going to make and a finishing line.

  5. Take the capillary dipped in the first solution. Place the capillary vertically on position A to make a deposit.

  6. Do the same for the second solution on spot B.

  7. Do the same for the third solution on spot R. This is the mixture obtained during the liquid-liquid extraction exercise.

  8. Make a co-spot on the 4th location. Place a drop of each product A, B, and R on the co-spot.

  9. Using the forceps, take the plate from the top above the migration front, place it vertically in the tank and quickly close it. Initially, the eluent should not touch the deposits.

  10. Click on the icon near the cell to pass the time and observe the rise of the solvent front.

_Without moving the vessel, wait for the eluent to reach the finish line _

  1. Take the tweezers to retrieve the plate and gently shake it.

  2. Circle the spots with a pencil. The front report of each migration is written on your tablet.

  3. Look at your lab notebook. If you are satisfied with the result, validate your exercise. If not, start again.

  1. Enter the laboratory to start the exercise.

  2. Stand in front of the fume cupboard and open it halfway.

  3. Prepare the chromatography plate and place it in the tank. Click on the icon next to the tank to pass the time and watch the solvent front rise.

Without moving the cell, wait for the eluent to reach the finish line

  1. Calculate the front ratio of each migration. Look at your laboratory notebook. If you are satisfied with the result, validate your exercise. If not, start again.

5.5.2. Scenario flow

The user starts the scenario with the following briefing :

You are going to perform a thin layer chromatography of a reaction mixture containing tartrazine in order to check its purity. Go to your workstation to perform the manipulation.

The user must equip their PPE (Equipping PPE), then enter the laboratory. You will need to approach the fume cupboard, open it halfway (Using the fume cupboard) and observe the three graduated tubes behind the chromatography cell.

These graduated tubes each contain a different eluent, and the user must choose which one to use to perform the chromatography. If the user chooses the wrong eluent, the migration results will be different. To identify which tube contains which eluent, the user can see the name of the product by moving their hand towards it.

mc manipulation chromatography eluents
Figure 113. Graduated tubes each containing an eluent
  1. Cyclohexane: Wrong answer

  2. Ethyl acetate: Wrong answer

  3. Mixture of cyclohexane and ethyl acetate (50:50): Correct answer

The chosen eluent should be emptied into the chromatography vessel (Liquid transfer) and the vessel closed so that the vapours saturate the vessel.

mc manipulation chromatography eluent in cuve
Figure 114. Pouring the eluent into the cell

Next, the user must grab the pencil and move it towards the chromatography plate to draw several features on it.

mc manipulation chromatography pencil
Figure 115. Drawing with the pencil

The user should draw in order: . The start line (the bottom one) . The finish line = migration front (the top one) . The positions of the deposits (A, B, R and M)

The user can see 3 test tubes on the left. These vials contain the products to be tested on the chromatography plate.

mc manipulation chromatography products
Figure 116. The 3 test products
  1. A: 4-hydrazino benzenesulphonic acid

  2. B: 2,2,3,3-tetrahydroxysuccinic acid

  3. A: Crude product tartrazine

The user will pick up the capillary dipped in the first solution and place it on position A to make a deposit. He will do the same for the second solution on spot B and the third solution on spot R. On the fourth spot, the user must deposit a drop of each product A, B, and R (this manipulation is called co spot).

mc manipulation chromatography capillary
Figure 117. Use of a capillary

Possible mistakes:

  1. The tip of the capillary must be placed vertically on the corresponding circle. If the angle between the capillary and the plate is too small, the user will make an error.

  2. Similarly, one capillary per solution should be used to make deposits.

  3. Do not reverse the products on the spots (e.g. product A on spot B)

Using the forceps, the user will pick up the plate from above the migration front. You must grab the tongs, bring them close to the plate, then press the interaction button on the joystick so that the tongs grab the plate. To release the plate, release the interaction button. Then place the plate vertically in the vessel and close the vessel.

mc manipulation chromatography tweezers
Figure 118. Using the tweezers
If the user grabs the plate with their hands, it is a mistake.

The user will click on the icon next to the tank to pass the time.

mc manipulation chromatography before timeleap
Figure 119. Status before time lapse

After a fade to black, the rise of the solvent front can be observed. The eluent has reached the finish line (the plate has turned grey) and the deposits have moved.

mc manipulation chromatography after timeleap
Figure 120. Deposits have moved

The user must retrieve the plate (with the tweezers) and shake it gently until it dries (it changes colour).

mc manipulation chromatography tweezers 2
Figure 121. The plate has dried: you can see the migration

The user must grab the pencil and move it towards the chromatography plate to circle the spots and identify them. The front ratio of each migration is written on the tablet.

Finally, the user will look at his lab notebook. If he is satisfied with the result, he must validate his exercise, otherwise click on the button to start again.

Figure 122. Successful chromatography
Figure 123. Failed chromatography (wrong eluent chosen, migrations too close to the finish line)

Once the steps have been completed, the user will be teleported to the reception area in front of the report screen.

5.5.3. Criteria for evaluating the exercise

image Duration: Time taken by the user to finish the exercise.

image Protection: Validates the PPE equipment.

image Analysis: Validates the result of the experiment.

image Procedure: Validates the correct sequence of actions.

image Autonomy: The score decreases with the number of helpers required. Only in advanced.